If you are a member of Region 10 and want to share information with other Intergroups in our region, we’d love your contributions.

Guidelines for images/PDFs

We always appreciate local images for our site, as well as your event information!


  • These must belong to you, or you must be 100% sure you have the right to use it.
  • Keep people anonymous (e.g. no faces showing).
  • Ideally image sizes should be at least 500K, and in a JPG or PNG format.


  • Please ensure no full names are identifiable in the contact details, including email addresses (e.g. r10ch2017@gmail.com, not joanne.bloggs@gmail.com).
  • Please optimise these to be less than 1MB in size if possible.

Please send images or PDFs to: webmaster@oaregion10.0rg

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